Active investors meeting weekly online to share ideas, hold each other accountable, and get a good dose of encouragement. If you want to take your business to the next - you are in the right place. Apply Today!
Group 1: 12-1 pm eastern every Thursday
group is capped at 15 members Benefits Included for Members:
- weekly meetings with others investors in the trenches - phone numbers and access to members and leaders - weekly information, accountability, and encouragement - all books for meetings - private Facebook group for members - quarterly 1-on-1 coaching call with leaders - access to short-term lending funds for deals - in person mastermind retreats - access to all of Chad's courses and group coaching 3 Experienced LeadersWant to gain insights from 3 experienced investors with different backgrounds? Our leaders are all full-time investors who have earned their experience in the trenches working in real estate day in and day out.
Chad HarrisBuy and Hold investor who bought his first 50+ doors without any bank financing. Specializing in raising private money, creative financing, and business systems. Host of the True Wealth Investors Podcast.
Kurt PhillipsKurt Phillips is a long-time real estate investor with a specialty in private money funding and finding off-market properties. He speaks regularly on the topic at real estate networking events and co-founded the group Profit with Real Estate.
What Others Have to Say...

"Chad has built an awe-inspiring business. His birds eye perspective allowed us to develop a strategy for scaling by systematizing our processes. Bringing him in allowed us to identity some of our unknown-unknowns. We highly recommend Chad for helping other investors get to the next level."
- Steven Solomon, Springfield, OH
- Steven Solomon, Springfield, OH

Kurt and Elizabeth Phillips with Running Creek are amazing people to work with. I met them in a local meet-up and they took me under their wing as a young new investor and taught me what I needed to know to get started. They have been a great resource for me at every step I have taken and have helped give me the tools I needed to be able to crunch numbers and take on 8 units in my first year of business while being able to operate at a profit. I can not thank them enough for how they have helped me, and I am always impressed by how much they love working in real estate and helping mentor those around them to become their best.
— C.J. Estel, Central Ohio Real Estate Investor
— C.J. Estel, Central Ohio Real Estate Investor
"Chris was very gracious to open up the book, pull back the curtain, and show me all the things and tools he uses, how he uses them, how they fit together - marketing, negotiating, etc. It was eye opening and encouraging to me. When I think back to the beginning of this year I didn't know what many of these things were, and now I'm using them on a daily basis."
- Matt Blagg, Oklahoma City, OK |
Kurt and Elizabeth are great teachers, in twelve months they helped me double my cashflow in my real estate business. They turned me from a part time investor into someone who is on the verge of quitting his full-time job.
~ Chad Cook, Twenty-One Doors, LLC
~ Chad Cook, Twenty-One Doors, LLC